La Paga

App Mobile - User Experience - Prototyping

First heuristic challenge as a user experience designer. In this case study there were many initial doubts that needed to be solved right at the beginning of the research. At what age do children become financially responsible? At what point in childhood does financial education begin? Culturally, in which countries does the concept of pay exist?


picture case study app mobile la paga

La Villa E-commerce

Website - E-commerce - User Experience - Prototyping

Learn about the digital transformation process of a small business through the needs and opportunities it can offer to its end consumers and how these changes impact its visualization, reach, turnover and target audience. How to convert an analog business into a digital one.


picture case study app mobile la paga

Tinder App

New Functionality - User Experience - Prototyping - User Interface

We study and analyze the most famous mobile dating app to improve it. Objective, to create a new functionality that improves what already exists, will this be possible? What can we come up with based on our research? What do users have to tell us about it? What is the user experience on this app?


picture case study app mobile la paga

La Villa E-commerce App

App Mobile - User Experience - Prototyping - User Interface

We continue with the digital transformation of La Villa bakery. We complemented the e-commerce website with a mobile app allowing end users to shop from their mobile device at any time and receive their order wherever they decide. How to convert an e-commerce website into a mobile app to expand the focus to your target audience and increase your sales.


picture case study app mobile la paga

TCA Finance

App Mobile - User Experience - Prototyping - User Interface - Finance App

The wonderful world of trading cards is in constant and continuous change. New cards, new bans, rising prices, and crashing falls. We are talking about Magic: The Gathering. Have control of prices and new cards in your hand, wherever and whenever you want. Create alerts and study the market. Don't miss a thing.


picture case study app mobile finance


Website - User Experience - Prototyping - User Interface - Social Network

We start from a problem to solve and during the research we are forced to change our course. In this project we make the gaming world accessible to those who live it, create their teams, look for funding for their team, compete and make a living out of it. Take a look at this social network that will help both recruiters and players to reach the top of e-sports.


picture case study app mobile la paga